"Wear the old coat and buy the new book."
Austin Phelps
Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking. Albert Einstein
Semua juga tahu kalau membaca sudah merupakan kewajiban bagi penulis. Membaca gratis biasanya di perpustakaan, hanya terkadang lokasi perpustakaan yang sulit dijangkau dan jarang tersedia buku baru membuat saya malas pergi perpustakaan.
Bagi yang awam soal dunia tulis menulis, suami saya misalnya. Dia heran kenapa saya sejak menjadi penulis senang membeli buku daripada baju atau barang ‘non benefit”. Saya jelaskan bahwa bagi seorang penulis membaca wajib dan untuk menulis sebuah buku diperlukan banyak referensi, bisa saja menulis sebuah satu buku membutuhkan 100 buku referensi. Suami akhirnya mengerti dan saya jelaskan, prinsip ekonomi bahwa jika membeli buku maka buku bernilai ekonomi tinggi, sebab buku terus membawa manfaat, kalau baju usang dipakai habis tidak bawa manfaat lainnya.
Sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang tidak punya penghasilan, sisa uang belanja atau kemurahan hati suami memberi uang adalah modal untuk membeli buku. Buku-buku referensi saya harganya cukup mahal sebab harus dipesan melalui toko buku yang ada di Athena.
Toko buku favorit saya adalah Papasutirou. Toko buku ini selain melayani pembelian online juga mempunyai 31 toko yang tersebar di seluruh Yunani. Pada mulanya saya datang ke toko buku mengambil pesanan lalu langsung pulang.
Setelah beberapa kali mengunjungi toko buku tersebut, akhirnya toko buku ini menjadi tempat rekreasi bagi saya dan anak-anak. Karena di toko buku Papasutiriou tersedia tempat dan bangku khusus unutk anak-anak membaca, menggambar atau hanya sekedar melihat-lihat.
Di bagian belakang tersedia banyak bangku dan tempat duduk berbentuk panggung untuk membaca bagi orang dewasa. Tersedia kopi hangat, air putih,sedangkan teh tidak ada karena memang tidak populer bagi masyarakat Yunani. Bahkan terkadang disediakan kue jika ada perayaan khusus.
Melihat ada beberapa orang yang duduk membaca dan bahkan mencatat buku, akhirnya saya mencoba melakukan hal yang sama dengan anak-anak. Datang ke toko buku, membaca buku dan mencatat isi buku. Saya mendapat bahan referensi tanpa harus membeli. Hemat pengeluaran dan anak-anak senang diajak ke toko buku.
Design kafer buku dan bahan buku untuk anak-anak sangat menarik hati. Ada buku yang didesign seperti permen warna-warni, ada yang berpita-pita dan bahkan dengan kertas glitter yang berkemilauan. Harga bukunya tentu saja mahal, berkisar antara 10 euro hingga 20 euro untuk buku anak-anak.
Buku-buku yang dijual di Yunani rata-rata tidak disegel atau dibungkus plastik, sehingga pembeli dapat melihat isinya dan bisa memilih. Namun tidak semua buku bisa dicatat isinya di toko, jika buku yang perlu pemahaman mendalam mau tidak mau harus dibeli. Dibaca lebih dalam di rumah dan menambah koleksi perpustakaan pribadi sebagai warisan buat anak cucu.
Buku cetakan bagi saya pribadi tetap unggul dibanding e-book, sebab buku cetak bisa dibaca kapan saja dimana saja dan ringan. E-book jika di print out akan menghabiskan waktu, kertas dan tinta printer selain kemasannya tidak menarik minat. Namun e-book unggul jika buku tersebut merupakan buku langka, buku mahal dan dapat dibaca gratis dan didownload gratis, di www.questia.com misalnya.
Senin, 28 Januari 2008
Jumat, 11 Januari 2008
Chess and Soccer
Saya pernah menulis artikel sebelumnya tentang olah raga yang paling saya suka adalah permainan catur. Sedangkan di artikel lain, saya menulis tentang olah raga yang paling suka saya tonton adalah sepak bola. Sebab sepakbola permainan paling sportif, dituntut kerjasama dan kejujuran serta team work yang kuat.
Apa sih hubungannya Catur and Sepakbola?
Saya perhatikan dan amati bahwa motivator dunia yang beken, mulai dari Jim Rohn, Jack Canfield, James Ray, Mike Brescia, Ron White, Denis Waitley, Zig Ziglar dll selalu menampilkan iklan diwebsite masing-masing. Iklannya bukan hanya di websitenya tetapi juga di newsletter.
Apa yang diiklankan para motivator beken itu?
Iklan oleh motivator beken itu tidak lain adalah promosi buku hasil tulisan motivator lainnya. Ada istilah WinningCombo; dua motivator yang saling membantu satu sama lainnya. Bahkan saya melihat semua motivator diatas membentuk networking dan bersatu, hampir say atidak melihat adanya persaingan antara mereka.
Bahkan Jenffrey Gitomer yang ahli sales pun memasang iklan bukunya Ron White dll.
Kesuksesan dan kejayaan serta kebahagiaan mereka rahasianya sama dengan konsep bermain sepak bola.
Sedangkan di Indonesia, saya belum melihat adanya kerjasama yang erat antara sesama motivator. Coba lihat website Andrie Wongso, Tungsem, Adi W Gunawan, atau lainnya, belum ada satupun yang menampilkan atau menulis tentang keunggulan motivator lainnya. Semuanya lebih mengacu ke-akuannya; menulis tentang dirinya sendiri. Itulah mental catur, dalam permainan catur tidak ada team work, yang ada gimana bikin lawan mati; skak mat!
Saya senang sekali ketika Jonru, tentor dari Belajarmenulis.com mengumumkan agar memasang link bannernya di blog masing-masing dengan iming-iming hadiah. Jonru ternyata lebih sportif dan menerapkan iklan personal brandnya lebih sportif.
Tadi pagi saya bincang-bincang dengan Bung Faif Yusuf sedikit tentang cara-cara mempromosikan buku. Jika saja semua penulis bermental sepak bola maka semua buku kita akan bestseller. Laris boo!
Apa sih hubungannya Catur and Sepakbola?
Saya perhatikan dan amati bahwa motivator dunia yang beken, mulai dari Jim Rohn, Jack Canfield, James Ray, Mike Brescia, Ron White, Denis Waitley, Zig Ziglar dll selalu menampilkan iklan diwebsite masing-masing. Iklannya bukan hanya di websitenya tetapi juga di newsletter.
Apa yang diiklankan para motivator beken itu?
Iklan oleh motivator beken itu tidak lain adalah promosi buku hasil tulisan motivator lainnya. Ada istilah WinningCombo; dua motivator yang saling membantu satu sama lainnya. Bahkan saya melihat semua motivator diatas membentuk networking dan bersatu, hampir say atidak melihat adanya persaingan antara mereka.
Bahkan Jenffrey Gitomer yang ahli sales pun memasang iklan bukunya Ron White dll.
Kesuksesan dan kejayaan serta kebahagiaan mereka rahasianya sama dengan konsep bermain sepak bola.
Sedangkan di Indonesia, saya belum melihat adanya kerjasama yang erat antara sesama motivator. Coba lihat website Andrie Wongso, Tungsem, Adi W Gunawan, atau lainnya, belum ada satupun yang menampilkan atau menulis tentang keunggulan motivator lainnya. Semuanya lebih mengacu ke-akuannya; menulis tentang dirinya sendiri. Itulah mental catur, dalam permainan catur tidak ada team work, yang ada gimana bikin lawan mati; skak mat!
Saya senang sekali ketika Jonru, tentor dari Belajarmenulis.com mengumumkan agar memasang link bannernya di blog masing-masing dengan iming-iming hadiah. Jonru ternyata lebih sportif dan menerapkan iklan personal brandnya lebih sportif.
Tadi pagi saya bincang-bincang dengan Bung Faif Yusuf sedikit tentang cara-cara mempromosikan buku. Jika saja semua penulis bermental sepak bola maka semua buku kita akan bestseller. Laris boo!
Rabu, 09 Januari 2008

Thou art a scholar; let us therefore eat and drink.
~ William Shakespeare (1623/1936)
In the past, if someone asks “ What is your most favorite things?” I used to say “food!”
My answer is ridiculous! But it doesn’t mean I want to show people that I dont care about other important things in life, nor to show that in my mind it’s only meal, what kinda meal that I will have for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Talk about food; West Sumatra cuisine is one of my favorite cuisines and I am fond of, but there is other cuisine I am fond of that hardly found in other places of Indonesian archipelago named sego kucing or cat rice, that is only can find in Yogyakarta–central Java. For those who never been to Yogyakarta might think about the cuisine is for feeding cat. Sego Kucing or Cat-rice is made from steam rice and sauté of tempe.
Any visitor to an Indonesian market or dinner table will almost certainly come across tempe, though wonder what on earth it really is. Closely resembling a Camembert cheese in colour and texture with a mushroom-like aroma, tempe is in fact one of the world's first soybean foods. It is composed of cooked soybeans that have been fermented through by an edible fungus which, when mature (like a cheese) becomes an attractive and aromatic white cake suitable for a variety of uses in hundreds of local dishes.
Now, research in food science and nutrition has shown tempe to be unique amongst vegetarian foods, and already popular among vegetarians in the USA and Australia. An ever popular and versatile ingredient in Indonesian dishes, it represents a food that has evolved in the archipelago and within Indonesia has become synonymous with Indonesian traditional cookery. In the sense of 'as American as apple pie', tempe is the soul of village food to the Javanese.
What is Tempe and why is it so special?
Tempe is a fermented soy bean product originally made by Central Javanese people through fermentation with Rhizopus species. Although there is evidence of earlier fermentation of soy, tempe had appeared in the Central Javanese food pattern in the 1700s.
Through its extensive use in main meals and snacks, it has led to people in the Jakarta having the highest known soy intake in the world and accordingly of the isoflavones contained.This provides an unique opportunity to consider the health effects of tempe (and soy), both beneficial and potentially toxic. Apparent health benefits are bowel health, protection against cardiovascular disease, certain cancers (e.g. breast and prostate) and menopausal health (including bone health).
Protection against cardiovascular disease
The result showed that tempe feeding lowered the cholesterol level in the tempe group, possibly due to the high content of cholesterolreleased from the liver through the bile (M Astuti, unpubl.data, 1997). According to Gorcia Hermosilla et al. free fatty acids in tempe inhibited the action of hydroxymethyl glutaryl CoA reductase, an enzyme which is responsible for cholesterol synthesis in the liver.
Hypocholesterolaemic properties of tempe in human subjects were studied by Astuti et al.In a feeding-trial of instant tempe-formula on 24 (8 male, 16female) volunteers. Each respondent drank the formula daily for 3 months.
The lipid profile, malondyaldehyde (MDA) and uric acid levels were measured in serum of each respondent as baseline before the feeding trial, every month during the feeding and 2 months after the feeding trial. Malondyaldehyde is one of the products from the decomposition of fatty acid in lipid peroxidation. It is able to reach cell and tissue, thus resulting in cell damage. It does not only damage lipid molecules, but also non-lipid biomolecules, such as protein and nucleic acid.
Damaged nucleic acid, especially in the nucleus, may cause gene mutation, which is able to promote cancer. It showed that during the feeding trial, total cholesterol decreased 8.6% and 10.25% in males and females, prespectively, but then increased in the same level of initial stage for both male and female respondents after 2 months ofnot consuming tempe formula.
The LDL cholesterol levels decreased 12% in male and 9.67% in female respondents and then increased 9% in males and 15.5% in females after2 months of not consuming the tempe formula. Lipid peroxidation which is expressed as MDA decreased 23% for both male and female respondents and then increased 13% inmales and 15% in females after 2 months of not consuming the tempe formula.
Uric acid level did not differ from baseline in the male group, but decreased about 14% in the female group, then increased in the same level of initial stage after 2 months of not consuming the tempe formula. Even though this was an uncontrolled study, these results are encouraging.
The effect of tempe on Superoxide Dismutase enzyme (SOD) modulation was studied by Astuti, by using 45 copper-deficient male Wistar rats which were divided into five groups of nine rats and were fed with diets of different tempe concentrations (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%, respectively) for 45 days.
Copper is known as an important trace mineral acting as a cofactor of SOD. Theactivity of SOD and lipid peroxidation were evaluated from the serum. The highest inhibition of SOD against lipid peroxidation and the lowest level of MDA were found in rats on the 100% tempe diet as a source of protein and copper. Copper as a component of SOD plays a dual role in SOD activity, as a cofactor as well as regulator.
Possible role of tempe in cancer prevention
Recently, attention has also focused on the potential role of soybean products in reducing cancer risk. Asian countries have among the lowest rates of common cancers in Westernsociety such as breast, prostate and colon cancer. (Kiriakidis S, et al 1996)
The protective effect of a diet high in soy may partly explain it. An epidemiological study on colorectal cancer in Japan found that frequent consumption of soybeans and tofu markedly decreased both rectal and colon cancer risk. Demonstrated that tempe, specially its glucolipids, inhibits the proliferation of tumour cell in mice. Indonesians are known as the largest soybean-consumers, especially in the form of tempe and tofu, in the South-East Asian countries. However, epidemiological studies relating to tempe con-sumption and the prevalence of cancer, particularly in Indonesia, have not yet been conducted.
Menopausal symptoms
There are studies reporting a lower incidence of menopausal symptoms in Asian populations consuming high levels of soy, such as Japan, China, Korea and Indonesia. These oestrogenic compounds may play an important role in the prevention of menopausal symptoms.
Trials to date have not been properly designed to determine whether these compounds act similarly to oestrogen in alleviating menopausal symptoms. There is no epidemiological data specifically on M Astuti, A Melial, FS Dalais and ML Wahlqvist
The long use of tempe at all stages of life, without recognised adverse effects, suggests it is relatively safe at the levels of intake seen in Central Java. However, further research on soy, both fermented and non-fermented, in Central Java should yield more insight into the mechanisms of action and the safe ranges of intake ( Mary Astuti, et al, 2000).
Tempe begins with whole soybeans, which are softened by soaking and dehulled, then partly cooked. Specialty tempehs may be made from other types of beans, wheat, or may include a mixture of beans and whole grains.
A mild acidulent, usually vinegar, may be added in order to lower the pH and create a selective environment that favors the growth of the tempeh mold over competitors .A fermentation starter containing the spores of fungus Rhizopus oligosporus is mixed in. The beans are spread into a thin layer and are allowed to ferment for 24 to 36 hours at a temperature around 30°C (86°F). In good tempeh, the beans are knit together by a mat of white mycelia.
Under conditions of lower temperature, or higher ventilation, gray or black patches of spores may form on the surface -- this is not harmful, and should not affect the flavor or quality of the tempeh. This sporulation is normal on fully mature tempe. A mild ammonia smell may accompany good tempeh as it ferments, but it should not be overpowering. In Indonesia, ripe tempeh (two or more days old) is considered a delicacy.
In the kitchen, tempe is often prepared by cutting it into pieces, soaking in brine or salty sauce, and then frying. Cooked tempe can be eaten alone, or used in chili, stir frys, soups, salads, sandwiches, and stews. Recent popular vegan cookbooks, such as Isa Chandra Moskowitz's "Vegan with a Vengeance", have come up with more creative ways of cooking tempe, using it as a vegetarian substitution for breakfast meats, such as sausage and bacon.
Tempe has a complex flavor that has been described as nutty, meaty, and mushroom-like. Tempe freezes well, and is now commonly available in many western supermarkets as well as in ethnic markets and health food stores. Tempe performs well in a cheese grater, after which it may be used in the place of ground beef (as in tacos).
When thin sliced and deep fried in oil, tempe obtains a crispy golden crust while maintaining a soft interior - its sponge-like consistency make it an excellent base for all marinades. Dried tempe (whether cooked or raw) provides an excellent stew base for vegetarian traveller. While some claim that tempe should not be eaten raw, others have done so without ill effect for many years. For the Thanksgiving holiday, tempe (as dark meat) and tofu (as white) may each be thick-sliced and baked with a standard dressing/stuffing preparation to provide a vegetarian alternative to turkey meat.
Types of tempe
tempe bongkrèk
made from or with coconut press cake
tempe bosok (busuk)
rotten tempe, used in small amounts as a flavouring
tempe gembus
made from okara1
tempe gódhóng
tempe made in banana leaves
tempe goreng
deep-fried tempe
tempe mendoan
raw-fried tempe
tempe kedelai
simply tempe, made from soybeans
tempe murni
tempe made in plastic wrap (lit. pure soybean cake)
tempe oncom
also onchom; made from peanut press cake; orange color; Neurospora sitophila
1Okara or soy pulp is a white or yellowish pulp consisting of insoluble parts of the soybean which remain in the filter sack when pureed soybeans are filtered in the production of soy milk. It is low in fat, high in fiber, and also contains protein, calcium, iron, and riboflavin. Okara contains 76 to 80% moisture, 20 to 24% solids and 3.5 to 4.0% protein. On a dry weight basis okara contains 24% protein, 8 to 15% fats,and 12 to 14.5% crude fiber. It contains 17% of the protein from the original soybeans
After I moved to Greece, I have adapted to Greek cuisine. Luckily I dont have problems to enjoy my new country cuisine because Greek cuisine is simple and delicious, the flavor comes from the purity and freshness ingredients.
Greek cuisine also has many variety of soy bean, such as Fasolia Salata, Fasolia soup and fasolada ( dried bean soup).
Indeed, I live far from Indonesia, I still can enjoy eat tempe while I am in Greece. Moreover, you can easily find some Asian foods in Athens. For instance, you can buy tempe which is imported from Holland at Asian Market in Ambelokipi area.
One thing that I concern is about the product rights (patent) of tempe which is originally made in Indonesia. However, I found out that tempe is the product rights of USA, Japan, and Germany instead of Indonesia.
ConclusionDiet as a part of lifestyle plays an important role in maintaining nutrition and health. Tempe is considered as a good source of protein, vitamin B12, antioxidants, phytochemical and other bioactive substances. Numerous studies to date strongly indicate that soybean-based tempe offers positive nutritional and health benefits. However, the recommendation of tempe consumption should be based on and supported by scientific experiments which show that tempe has indeed specific beneficial effects in human health. Continued multidisciplinary scientific research will provide a better understanding and further knowledge on the identification of the beneficial components and mechanisms of action, function, nutritional and health aspects of tempe. Furthermore, contribution from nutrition and the food-science community from all over the world to develop tempe from a variety of legumes as a raw material that are nutritious, tasty, acceptable and affordable will help us meet the challenge of health for all towards the 21st century.
Megara, 1 July 2007
1. Wikipedia
2. Mary Astuti, et all, Tempe, a nutritious and healthy food from Indonesia, Asia Pacific Jurnal Clinic Nutrition, 2000.
3. Kiriakidis S, et al, Fatty acid ester of sitosterol 3 beta glicoside from soybeans and tempe (fermented soybeans) as antiproliferative substances, J Clin Biochem Nutrition, 1996.
4. Logue A. W, The Psychology of Eating and Drinking, Brunner-Routledge,
New York, 2004.
Thou art a scholar; let us therefore eat and drink.
~ William Shakespeare (1623/1936)
In the past, if someone asks “ What is your most favorite things?” I used to say “food!”
My answer is ridiculous! But it doesn’t mean I want to show people that I dont care about other important things in life, nor to show that in my mind it’s only meal, what kinda meal that I will have for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Talk about food; West Sumatra cuisine is one of my favorite cuisines and I am fond of, but there is other cuisine I am fond of that hardly found in other places of Indonesian archipelago named sego kucing or cat rice, that is only can find in Yogyakarta–central Java. For those who never been to Yogyakarta might think about the cuisine is for feeding cat. Sego Kucing or Cat-rice is made from steam rice and sauté of tempe.
Any visitor to an Indonesian market or dinner table will almost certainly come across tempe, though wonder what on earth it really is. Closely resembling a Camembert cheese in colour and texture with a mushroom-like aroma, tempe is in fact one of the world's first soybean foods. It is composed of cooked soybeans that have been fermented through by an edible fungus which, when mature (like a cheese) becomes an attractive and aromatic white cake suitable for a variety of uses in hundreds of local dishes.
Now, research in food science and nutrition has shown tempe to be unique amongst vegetarian foods, and already popular among vegetarians in the USA and Australia. An ever popular and versatile ingredient in Indonesian dishes, it represents a food that has evolved in the archipelago and within Indonesia has become synonymous with Indonesian traditional cookery. In the sense of 'as American as apple pie', tempe is the soul of village food to the Javanese.
What is Tempe and why is it so special?
Tempe is a fermented soy bean product originally made by Central Javanese people through fermentation with Rhizopus species. Although there is evidence of earlier fermentation of soy, tempe had appeared in the Central Javanese food pattern in the 1700s.
Through its extensive use in main meals and snacks, it has led to people in the Jakarta having the highest known soy intake in the world and accordingly of the isoflavones contained.This provides an unique opportunity to consider the health effects of tempe (and soy), both beneficial and potentially toxic. Apparent health benefits are bowel health, protection against cardiovascular disease, certain cancers (e.g. breast and prostate) and menopausal health (including bone health).
Protection against cardiovascular disease
The result showed that tempe feeding lowered the cholesterol level in the tempe group, possibly due to the high content of cholesterolreleased from the liver through the bile (M Astuti, unpubl.data, 1997). According to Gorcia Hermosilla et al. free fatty acids in tempe inhibited the action of hydroxymethyl glutaryl CoA reductase, an enzyme which is responsible for cholesterol synthesis in the liver.
Hypocholesterolaemic properties of tempe in human subjects were studied by Astuti et al.In a feeding-trial of instant tempe-formula on 24 (8 male, 16female) volunteers. Each respondent drank the formula daily for 3 months.
The lipid profile, malondyaldehyde (MDA) and uric acid levels were measured in serum of each respondent as baseline before the feeding trial, every month during the feeding and 2 months after the feeding trial. Malondyaldehyde is one of the products from the decomposition of fatty acid in lipid peroxidation. It is able to reach cell and tissue, thus resulting in cell damage. It does not only damage lipid molecules, but also non-lipid biomolecules, such as protein and nucleic acid.
Damaged nucleic acid, especially in the nucleus, may cause gene mutation, which is able to promote cancer. It showed that during the feeding trial, total cholesterol decreased 8.6% and 10.25% in males and females, prespectively, but then increased in the same level of initial stage for both male and female respondents after 2 months ofnot consuming tempe formula.
The LDL cholesterol levels decreased 12% in male and 9.67% in female respondents and then increased 9% in males and 15.5% in females after2 months of not consuming the tempe formula. Lipid peroxidation which is expressed as MDA decreased 23% for both male and female respondents and then increased 13% inmales and 15% in females after 2 months of not consuming the tempe formula.
Uric acid level did not differ from baseline in the male group, but decreased about 14% in the female group, then increased in the same level of initial stage after 2 months of not consuming the tempe formula. Even though this was an uncontrolled study, these results are encouraging.
The effect of tempe on Superoxide Dismutase enzyme (SOD) modulation was studied by Astuti, by using 45 copper-deficient male Wistar rats which were divided into five groups of nine rats and were fed with diets of different tempe concentrations (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%, respectively) for 45 days.
Copper is known as an important trace mineral acting as a cofactor of SOD. Theactivity of SOD and lipid peroxidation were evaluated from the serum. The highest inhibition of SOD against lipid peroxidation and the lowest level of MDA were found in rats on the 100% tempe diet as a source of protein and copper. Copper as a component of SOD plays a dual role in SOD activity, as a cofactor as well as regulator.
Possible role of tempe in cancer prevention
Recently, attention has also focused on the potential role of soybean products in reducing cancer risk. Asian countries have among the lowest rates of common cancers in Westernsociety such as breast, prostate and colon cancer. (Kiriakidis S, et al 1996)
The protective effect of a diet high in soy may partly explain it. An epidemiological study on colorectal cancer in Japan found that frequent consumption of soybeans and tofu markedly decreased both rectal and colon cancer risk. Demonstrated that tempe, specially its glucolipids, inhibits the proliferation of tumour cell in mice. Indonesians are known as the largest soybean-consumers, especially in the form of tempe and tofu, in the South-East Asian countries. However, epidemiological studies relating to tempe con-sumption and the prevalence of cancer, particularly in Indonesia, have not yet been conducted.
Menopausal symptoms
There are studies reporting a lower incidence of menopausal symptoms in Asian populations consuming high levels of soy, such as Japan, China, Korea and Indonesia. These oestrogenic compounds may play an important role in the prevention of menopausal symptoms.
Trials to date have not been properly designed to determine whether these compounds act similarly to oestrogen in alleviating menopausal symptoms. There is no epidemiological data specifically on M Astuti, A Melial, FS Dalais and ML Wahlqvist
The long use of tempe at all stages of life, without recognised adverse effects, suggests it is relatively safe at the levels of intake seen in Central Java. However, further research on soy, both fermented and non-fermented, in Central Java should yield more insight into the mechanisms of action and the safe ranges of intake ( Mary Astuti, et al, 2000).
Tempe begins with whole soybeans, which are softened by soaking and dehulled, then partly cooked. Specialty tempehs may be made from other types of beans, wheat, or may include a mixture of beans and whole grains.
A mild acidulent, usually vinegar, may be added in order to lower the pH and create a selective environment that favors the growth of the tempeh mold over competitors .A fermentation starter containing the spores of fungus Rhizopus oligosporus is mixed in. The beans are spread into a thin layer and are allowed to ferment for 24 to 36 hours at a temperature around 30°C (86°F). In good tempeh, the beans are knit together by a mat of white mycelia.
Under conditions of lower temperature, or higher ventilation, gray or black patches of spores may form on the surface -- this is not harmful, and should not affect the flavor or quality of the tempeh. This sporulation is normal on fully mature tempe. A mild ammonia smell may accompany good tempeh as it ferments, but it should not be overpowering. In Indonesia, ripe tempeh (two or more days old) is considered a delicacy.
In the kitchen, tempe is often prepared by cutting it into pieces, soaking in brine or salty sauce, and then frying. Cooked tempe can be eaten alone, or used in chili, stir frys, soups, salads, sandwiches, and stews. Recent popular vegan cookbooks, such as Isa Chandra Moskowitz's "Vegan with a Vengeance", have come up with more creative ways of cooking tempe, using it as a vegetarian substitution for breakfast meats, such as sausage and bacon.
Tempe has a complex flavor that has been described as nutty, meaty, and mushroom-like. Tempe freezes well, and is now commonly available in many western supermarkets as well as in ethnic markets and health food stores. Tempe performs well in a cheese grater, after which it may be used in the place of ground beef (as in tacos).
When thin sliced and deep fried in oil, tempe obtains a crispy golden crust while maintaining a soft interior - its sponge-like consistency make it an excellent base for all marinades. Dried tempe (whether cooked or raw) provides an excellent stew base for vegetarian traveller. While some claim that tempe should not be eaten raw, others have done so without ill effect for many years. For the Thanksgiving holiday, tempe (as dark meat) and tofu (as white) may each be thick-sliced and baked with a standard dressing/stuffing preparation to provide a vegetarian alternative to turkey meat.
Types of tempe
tempe bongkrèk
made from or with coconut press cake
tempe bosok (busuk)
rotten tempe, used in small amounts as a flavouring
tempe gembus
made from okara1
tempe gódhóng
tempe made in banana leaves
tempe goreng
deep-fried tempe
tempe mendoan
raw-fried tempe
tempe kedelai
simply tempe, made from soybeans
tempe murni
tempe made in plastic wrap (lit. pure soybean cake)
tempe oncom
also onchom; made from peanut press cake; orange color; Neurospora sitophila
1Okara or soy pulp is a white or yellowish pulp consisting of insoluble parts of the soybean which remain in the filter sack when pureed soybeans are filtered in the production of soy milk. It is low in fat, high in fiber, and also contains protein, calcium, iron, and riboflavin. Okara contains 76 to 80% moisture, 20 to 24% solids and 3.5 to 4.0% protein. On a dry weight basis okara contains 24% protein, 8 to 15% fats,and 12 to 14.5% crude fiber. It contains 17% of the protein from the original soybeans
After I moved to Greece, I have adapted to Greek cuisine. Luckily I dont have problems to enjoy my new country cuisine because Greek cuisine is simple and delicious, the flavor comes from the purity and freshness ingredients.
Greek cuisine also has many variety of soy bean, such as Fasolia Salata, Fasolia soup and fasolada ( dried bean soup).
Indeed, I live far from Indonesia, I still can enjoy eat tempe while I am in Greece. Moreover, you can easily find some Asian foods in Athens. For instance, you can buy tempe which is imported from Holland at Asian Market in Ambelokipi area.
One thing that I concern is about the product rights (patent) of tempe which is originally made in Indonesia. However, I found out that tempe is the product rights of USA, Japan, and Germany instead of Indonesia.
ConclusionDiet as a part of lifestyle plays an important role in maintaining nutrition and health. Tempe is considered as a good source of protein, vitamin B12, antioxidants, phytochemical and other bioactive substances. Numerous studies to date strongly indicate that soybean-based tempe offers positive nutritional and health benefits. However, the recommendation of tempe consumption should be based on and supported by scientific experiments which show that tempe has indeed specific beneficial effects in human health. Continued multidisciplinary scientific research will provide a better understanding and further knowledge on the identification of the beneficial components and mechanisms of action, function, nutritional and health aspects of tempe. Furthermore, contribution from nutrition and the food-science community from all over the world to develop tempe from a variety of legumes as a raw material that are nutritious, tasty, acceptable and affordable will help us meet the challenge of health for all towards the 21st century.
Megara, 1 July 2007
1. Wikipedia
2. Mary Astuti, et all, Tempe, a nutritious and healthy food from Indonesia, Asia Pacific Jurnal Clinic Nutrition, 2000.
3. Kiriakidis S, et al, Fatty acid ester of sitosterol 3 beta glicoside from soybeans and tempe (fermented soybeans) as antiproliferative substances, J Clin Biochem Nutrition, 1996.
4. Logue A. W, The Psychology of Eating and Drinking, Brunner-Routledge,
New York, 2004.
Senin, 07 Januari 2008
Makna Tahun Baru 1429 H
Dalam sebuah milis agama yang saya ikuti, saya menulis di milis tersebut bahwa saya mencari bantuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan putri cilik saya tentang makna gerakan Solat.
Sifat kritis anak usia jelang 10 tahun. Saya jelaskan bahwa perintah Solat datang dari Allah SWT kepada Rasullah SAW ketika menjalani Isra Mi’raj. Gerakan Solat sudah ditetapkan dan setiap perintah Allah SWT kepada ciptaannya adalah untuk kebaikan hambanya. Gerakan solat seperti yang dilakukan oleh Rasullah SAW dan diperintahkan kepada kita semua memberi manfaat dan kebaikan bagi jasmani dan rohani manusia yang melakukannya.
Saya menerima 3 jawaban dari anggota milis tersebut, bahwa saya disarankan agar melakukan hijrah atau pindah dari negara dimana saya bertempat tinggal. Jawaban yang sangat baik dan memberi jalan keluar bagi setiap persoalan yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan agama bagi anak-anak saya. Namun bagi kami sekeluarga hijrah saat ini bagaikan sebuah kotak Pandora.
Alhamdulillah hari ini saya mendapat jawaban dari DR Jamal Badawi(jamalbadawi@hotmail.com). Ppendapat pribadi saya sebelumnya bahwa dimanapun kita tinggal di bumi ini, maka tanah yang kita pijak adalah bumi Allah SWT.
Kami sekeluarga memang tinggal di negara non muslim dimana anak-anak tidak mendapat pendidikan agama Islam dengan mudah seperti di Indonesia yang mayoritas muslim. Lokasi kami tinggal jauh dari kota Athena; tempat terdapatnya Islamic Centre dan Pusat Kebudayaan Arab.
Pendapat DR Jamal Badawi anggota European Council for Fatwa and Research:
1. Jika seorang muslim tidak dapat melakukan ibadah dasar seperti solat, puasa, zakat dan berhaji (Pillars of Islam), maka wajib ia harsu pindah ke tempat yang bebas ia melakukan ibadahnya. Negara kami tinggal adalah anggota Uni Eropa dan sudah meratifikasi kebebasan beribadah sesuai perintah agama bagi penduduknya.
2. Jika seseorang merasa anak-anaknya akan kehilangan arah dan terancam imannya, salah satu cara untuk menyelamatkannya adalah harus pindah. Tetapi bisa juga tidak pindah, jika anak diberikan pelajaran agama di rumah, di Islamic center dan berhubungan serta berkomunikasi dengan komunitas muslim yang ada. 3. Jika semua muslim seharusnya pindah ke negara muslim, bagaimana dengan orang-orang yang yang menerima Islam sebagai agamanya harus meninggalkan negara kelahirannya, mau kemana mereka perginya?
4. We should remember that there is hardly any place in the Muslim world where Muslims can practice their faith fully and completely including not only acts of worship, but also a truly Islamic and consultative system of government.
5. Therefore, each person should evaluate their own situation and avoid sweeping generalization about the desirability of continuing their lives where they are presently citizens or to consider other options.
6. After all, the active Muslim presence in non-Muslim societies is a great means of conveying the message of Allah and exemplifying it to their fellow citizens.
What about leaving one’s country and living in a non-Muslim country because the regime in one’s country is not that good?
Islam is for all people and for all times and where they are. All earth is the land of Allah. A Muslim is supposed to try all his or her best to conduct an Islamic life wherever he is.
Sifat kritis anak usia jelang 10 tahun. Saya jelaskan bahwa perintah Solat datang dari Allah SWT kepada Rasullah SAW ketika menjalani Isra Mi’raj. Gerakan Solat sudah ditetapkan dan setiap perintah Allah SWT kepada ciptaannya adalah untuk kebaikan hambanya. Gerakan solat seperti yang dilakukan oleh Rasullah SAW dan diperintahkan kepada kita semua memberi manfaat dan kebaikan bagi jasmani dan rohani manusia yang melakukannya.
Saya menerima 3 jawaban dari anggota milis tersebut, bahwa saya disarankan agar melakukan hijrah atau pindah dari negara dimana saya bertempat tinggal. Jawaban yang sangat baik dan memberi jalan keluar bagi setiap persoalan yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan agama bagi anak-anak saya. Namun bagi kami sekeluarga hijrah saat ini bagaikan sebuah kotak Pandora.
Alhamdulillah hari ini saya mendapat jawaban dari DR Jamal Badawi(jamalbadawi@hotmail.com). Ppendapat pribadi saya sebelumnya bahwa dimanapun kita tinggal di bumi ini, maka tanah yang kita pijak adalah bumi Allah SWT.
Kami sekeluarga memang tinggal di negara non muslim dimana anak-anak tidak mendapat pendidikan agama Islam dengan mudah seperti di Indonesia yang mayoritas muslim. Lokasi kami tinggal jauh dari kota Athena; tempat terdapatnya Islamic Centre dan Pusat Kebudayaan Arab.
Pendapat DR Jamal Badawi anggota European Council for Fatwa and Research:
1. Jika seorang muslim tidak dapat melakukan ibadah dasar seperti solat, puasa, zakat dan berhaji (Pillars of Islam), maka wajib ia harsu pindah ke tempat yang bebas ia melakukan ibadahnya. Negara kami tinggal adalah anggota Uni Eropa dan sudah meratifikasi kebebasan beribadah sesuai perintah agama bagi penduduknya.
2. Jika seseorang merasa anak-anaknya akan kehilangan arah dan terancam imannya, salah satu cara untuk menyelamatkannya adalah harus pindah. Tetapi bisa juga tidak pindah, jika anak diberikan pelajaran agama di rumah, di Islamic center dan berhubungan serta berkomunikasi dengan komunitas muslim yang ada. 3. Jika semua muslim seharusnya pindah ke negara muslim, bagaimana dengan orang-orang yang yang menerima Islam sebagai agamanya harus meninggalkan negara kelahirannya, mau kemana mereka perginya?
4. We should remember that there is hardly any place in the Muslim world where Muslims can practice their faith fully and completely including not only acts of worship, but also a truly Islamic and consultative system of government.
5. Therefore, each person should evaluate their own situation and avoid sweeping generalization about the desirability of continuing their lives where they are presently citizens or to consider other options.
6. After all, the active Muslim presence in non-Muslim societies is a great means of conveying the message of Allah and exemplifying it to their fellow citizens.
What about leaving one’s country and living in a non-Muslim country because the regime in one’s country is not that good?
Islam is for all people and for all times and where they are. All earth is the land of Allah. A Muslim is supposed to try all his or her best to conduct an Islamic life wherever he is.
Kamis, 03 Januari 2008
Mengapa Saya Menulis?
“Tajamnya sebuah pena, lebih tajam dari sebilah pedang” Orang Bijak
Sejak kecil jika ditanya oleh orang, “cita-citanya mau jadi apa?”
Jawaban yang diajarkan oleh ayah atau mama bukan jadi Penulis. Memang saya sejak awal selalu diarahkan harus menjadi dokter. Hal ini terbukti ketika saya duduk di bangku SMA kelas satu dan harus menentukan jurusan yang dipilih, maka ayah memaksa saya agar masuk IPA.
Saya katakan pada ayah, ingin masuk IPS. Saya suka ilmu sosial. Ayah marah dan saya harus turuti perintah ayah. Demikian juga ketika saya lulus SMA dan ikut SIPENMARU, ayah melarang untuk mengambil pilihan jurusan Hukum dan Ekonomi. Alasan ayah katanya wanita tidak boleh jadi Hakim menurutnya. Akhirnya saya memilih pilihan pertama Kedokteran, kedua Biologi dan ketiga Sosiologi. Hasilnya saya lulus masuk ke jurusan Sosiologi.
Lulus kuliah langsung dapat kerja, tetapi saya tidak bisa mengetik dengan semestinya. Ayah pernah mengajarkan saya mengetik yang benar, sayang saya tidak serius. Hingga saat ini saya mengetik dengan dua telunjuk. Ayah saat ini sudah tua (86 tahun) dan saya sangat menyesal tidak berguru banyak pada ayah.
Kerja sebagai peneliti membutuhkan saya banyak menulis dan membaca. Hanya ketika itu saya tidak pernah berpikiran mau menjadi penulis yang professional. Anggapan saya ketika itu, bekerja sebagai wartawan atau penulis hanya milik jurusan Komunikasi dan Jurnalistik.
Lambat laun, hobi menulis kembali muncul. Di kantor ada majalah kantor yang terbit tiap bulan dan pengurusnya mendapat honor diluar gaji. Saya akhirnya ikut menjadi redaksi majalah kantor yaitu Warta Pegadaian dan mengurus kolom “Profil”. Tahun 1996 jurnalis dikirim kursus ke Kebon Sirih atas biaya kantor, disanalah kami kursus di gedung PWI.
Hasil kursus hanya memperbaiki gaya tulisan saya di kolom profil. Anggapan saya bahwa tulisan tersebut sudah cukup bagus untuk standar majalah kantoran.
Tahun 2003 saya terpaksa pindah ke negara suami. Sejak menikah dan hamil, tinggal di negeri asing, mengalami kejutan budaya dan sudah jarang membaca buku. Internet hanya digunakan untuk mengikuti milis agama.
Setelah empat tahun menganggur akhirnya saya bangkit dan mulai menulis. Tulisan saya lebih mendekati ke memoir, kisah hidup diri sendiri. Saya mencari kursus yang online untuk belajar menulis
Sebagai ibu rumah tangga dengan tiga anak, saya kerepotan jika kursus keluar dari rumah. Saya mempunyai keinginan yang kuat agar piawai menulis. Akhirnya saya menulis di milis pemberitahuan mencari kursus menulis online. Saya temukan ada kursus online. Sekolah Online BelajarMenulis yang dikelola oleh Founder Milis Penulis Lepas; Bung Jonru.
Keunggulan dari kursus BelajarMenulis ini antara lain; pertama, biaya kursus cukup terjangkau dan tidak mahal. Uang sisa belanja yang ditabung setiap minggu, saya gunakan untuk membayar lunas 6 bulan kursus. Kedua, online kursus dengan sistem chatting sehingga menyenangkan dan terasa segar di pikiran. Ketiga, bisa berkenalan dengan teman sesama peserta kursus yang berasal dari latar belakang yang berbeda-beda. Terakhir BelajarMenulis memberi banyak informasi baru seputar dunia tulis menulis.
Keunggulan lainnya adalah moderator yang sangat cekatan dan sigap. Materi hasil kursus lengkap dikirim oleh moderator ke setiap email peserta.
Kelemahan dari kursus ini adalah kurang efektif. Sebabnya jadwal kursus online hanya seminggu sekali dan pengulangan di hari berikutnya. Jarang diberi tugas menulis, sehingga sebagai peserta merasa kurang disiplin. Mentor yang hanya seorang saja, menyebabkan materi yang dipelajari kurang fokus. Kelemahan lainnya adalah BelajarMenulis belum membantu peserta agar dapat berkenalan dengan media massa dan penerbit. Sebab bukankah setiap tujuan penulis agar tulisannya dapat dimuat atau diterbitkan?
Saya masih suka menulis setiap hari dan hasilnya telah terbit sebuah buku yang ditulis bersama beberapa teman kontributor. Buku berjudul LOve and ShOck . Setiap hari saya menulis terus, beberapa artikel di milis-milis. Saya senang banyak mendapat email yang merespon baik tulisan saya. Tulisan mengenai motivasi diri dan masalah seputar dunia pemasaran buku.
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